About Us : 20mm Modern Figures and Models .
This is an supplementary page announcing new releases whilst repairs are made to the main site www.rhmodels.com
Many thanks go to Morten Reese for letting me use his photo of his 20mm Royal Marines figures circa 1982 .
UK only £6.00, then 10% .
Thus all orders under £50 P&P is £6.00 . Orders over £50 the P&P is 10%
NEW RELEASES: updated 11/06/2020
and our new forum WIP here ; http://rhmodels.freeforums.net/
Codes in blue are releases since November 2014
SOV12; PT76 TANK £8.99
SOV14; BTR50 £7.99 out of stock
SOV26;BMD1 £7.99
SOV27;BMD2 £7.99
SOV29;BTR40 £6.99
SOV21; BTR80 £9.99
SOV21a:BTR80a ( 30mm turret ) £9.99
ISRTANK7;AMX13 out of stock
USAFV11; M1025 HUMVEE HARD TOP WITH .50 CAL out of stock
USAFV11A; AS ABOVE WITH MK19 AGL out of stock
UTIL15; PICKUP TRUCK ( new ) £5.00
BAFV17;SPARTAN £8.50 out of stock
PP1: Pink Panther crew for Operation Mikado, driver in forage cap , front gunner with gpmg in knit cap,rear gunner with .50 cal bareheaded £2.00
EM35037; WARRIOR IFV GREEN/NATO CAMOU £9.99EM35052; M2 Bradley - MERDC camouflage £10.98
EM35048; M1 Panther - Mine Roller £10.98
EM35049; M1 Panther - Mine Plough £10.98
EM35030; M1A1 Abrahms - desert camo £10.98
KIT53; ICM Soviet air to surface bombs etc £6.99 (plastic kit )
CFISQU78; 10 Figs with FAMAS in 78 helmet £9.00CFISQUB; as above berets £9.00
CFISQUBUSH; as above bush hats £9.00
CFISQUKepi: as above in Legion Kepi £9.00
CFISQUbig; as above in Bigeard cap £9.00
CFISQUH: as above Fritz style helmet nya
CFILMG78: 3 figs with minimi lmg in 78 helmet £2.70
CFILMGB; 3 figs with minimi LMG in beret £2.70
CFILMGbush; as above bush hats £2.70
CFILMGbig; as above bigeard caps £2.70
CFIAA5278; 3 figs with AA52 LMG in 78 helmet nya
CFImil78; 2 man Milan crew prone firer in M78 helmet nya
CFIrad78; 2 figs with backpack radios and Famas nya
PORTSQUCAP; 10 figs with G3 rifle in forage ( fishtail ) cap £9.00
PORTSQUBER; as above beret £9.00
PORTSQUBUSH; as above bush hats £9.00
PORTSQUhelm; as above M1 helmets £9.00
PORTSQUFlech; as above African heads , mix of headgear £9.00
Portgren;Grenade thrower in cap £0.90
Portgrenber; Grenade thrower in beret £0.90
Portradcap; 2 figs with backpack radios / G3 forage caps £1.80
Portradber: as above berets nya
PordradPHO; as above bareheaded with earphones nya
PortAR10cap; 10 figs in caps with AR10 rifle nya
PortAR10beret ; as above in berets nya
Port.50cap; 2 man .50 cal hmg crew ( crew only ) in caps nya
PortLMGcap; 3 figs with MG3 LMG in caps nya
Belg80squ; 9 figs helmets SLR £8.10
Belg80squber; as above berets nya
Belg90squFNC; 8 figs helmets with FNC rifle nya
Belg90squFNCB; as above berets nya
Belg80spot; spotter radio and binocs figure £1.80
Belg80rad; Platoon NCO with radio and radioman £1.80
Belg80gpmg; 2 fig prone sustained fire GPMG team £1.80 (gpmg not included see wea 33 )
Belggun; 3 fig gun/mortar crew £2.70
Belg.50; 3 fig .cal crew in helmets £2.70( MG not included )
Belggpmgmov; 2 fig GPMG moving in helmets ( 1 with gpmg , 1 with SLR ) £1.80
BelgBLIN; 2 man kneeling team firing Blindicide AT nya
BelgBLINMOV; 2 man moving team with Blindicide nya
BelgVIG; 2 NCO's with Vigneron SMG in helmets nya
BelgVIGber; as above beret nya
BelgCOM; 3 man company/battalion HQ team in helmets nya
BelgMIL; 3 man Milan crew ( milan seperate ) nya
BelgdrivH; driver fig in helmet nya
Canada 2007 + ( Afghanistan )
Cansqu: 10 figures in helmet with C7 rifle NYA
Cansqubush; as above in bush hat NYA
Cansup: 8 figures ; 3 with Minimi , 3 with C7/M203 , 2 with M240 gpmg NYA
1986 Polish Naval Infantry;( summer uniform )
PNRsqu: 10 figures with AK47 in helmet £9.00
PNRsup; 3 figures with RPK , 1 sniper with SVD £3.60
PNRrad; 2 figs with backpack radios £1.80
PNRpkm; 1 fig firing PKM , 1 kneeling with ammo box £1.80
PNRcom; 4 fig command pack £3.60
PNRSA7; SA7 firer £0.90
PNRrpg; 3 figs with RPG 7 £2.70
PNRspot; Kneeling spotter with binocs and AK47 £0.90
1986 Polish Motorised Infantry; ( summer uniform )
PMIsqu: 12 figures with AK47 in helmet £10.80
PMIsup; 3 figures with RPK , 1 sniper with SVD ,1 with PKM £4.50
PMIcom; 6 fig command pack , 2 with radios £3.00
PMIRADV; 2 radio figs with earphones/barehead nya
PMISA7; SA7 firer £0.90
PMIrpg; 3 figs with RPG 7 £2.70
PMIspot; kneeling spotter with binocs and AK47 £0.90
1970's/80's Rumanian Motor Rifles ( all figures in helmet )
RomAK; 10 figs with Ak47 nya
RomRPK; 3 figs with RPK lmg £2.70
RomRPG; 3 figs with RPG7 nya
Rom PKM ; 2 figs with PKM nya
RomCOM; 6 command figs nya
US Army/Marines/Special Forces 2002 +
US02spotV; 2 spotters with binocs - bareheaded.baseball cap £1.80
USS02M240v; 2 figs with 240 barehead/knit cap plus nco with AK47 £2.70
US02M132; 2 figs with m132 GL £1.80
Wom1; 4 scantily clad women with AK47's bareheads £1.80
Falklands era Brits 1970's/80's
FalkcomH; 5 figure command pack helmets £4.50
FalkcomA; Command pack in berets - 6 figures. £5.40
FalkcomT; as above 44 pattern helmets £5.40
FalkcomCC; as above 6 figs in commando cap comforter £5.40
FalkcomG; as above in Glengarry cap £5.40
FalksquT; 12 figures with SLR in 44 pattern helmets £10.80
FalksquV; 12 figures in helmet £10.80 ( variant on Falk 1 )
FalksquCC; 12 figures in commando cap comforters £10.80
FalksquTx:10 figs 44 helmet ( no cover) no backpacks with SLR £9.00
Falksqucrap: 10 figs as above wearing crap hat ( forage cap ) £9.00
FalksquSUPcrap;3 figs with gpmg, 1 with ammo box , 2 with stirling smg all in crap hat £5.40
FalksquFUS; 10 figs as above wearing fusilier beret nya
FalkLMGG;3 figs with GPMG,2 with Bren ,1 ammo box man in Glengarry cap £5.40
FalkbrenT; 2 figs with Bren LMG 44 helmets £1.80
FalkbrenV; 2 figs with Bren LMG in helmet ( variant on Falk2 ) £1.80
FalkbrenCC; 2 figs in commando cap comforters £1.80
FalkbrenTx;2 figs plain 44 helmet no backpacks £1.80
FalksmgH; 2 figs with Stirling smg's helmets - new/remade £1.80
FalksmgT; 2 figs as above in 44 pattern helmets £1.80
Falk4new; GPMG in helmets pack 4 figs now revised as a 4 figure pack £3.60
Falk4anew; as above in berets £3.60
FalkGPMGT; 1 loader , 4 figs with GPMG's 44 pattern helmet £4.50
FalksamT; blowpipe firer in 44 helmet £0.90
FalkgunT; 4 gun frew in 44 helmets £3.60
FalkradCC; 2 radio figs in commando cap comforters £1.80
FalkradG; 2 radio figs in glengarry cap £1.80
Falkradtam; as above in Tam O shanter cap £1.80
FalkradPHO; as above barehead/headphones £1.80
Falkradcrap; as above in forage cap ( crap hat ) £1.80
FalksniH; 3 snipers with L42 rifle in helmet £2.70
FalksniA; as above in beret £2.70
FalksniB; as above bush hats £2.70
FalksniT; as above in 44 pattern helmets £2.70
FalksniCC; as above in commando cap comforter £2.70
FalkCGH; 3 figs with Carl Gustav maw in helmet ( 1 moving & 2 man team kneeling ) £2.70
FalkCGB; 3 figures with Carl Gustav MAW (1 moving & 2 man team kneeling ) in bush hats £2.70
FalkCGT; 4 figs as above in 44 pattern helmet £3.60
FalkCGcc; 3 figs a above cap comforter £2.70
Falk50T; 50mm mortar firer 44 pattern helmet £0.90
Falk50G; as above in glengarry £0.90
Falk50CC; as above cap comforter £0.90
Falk50tam; as above tam o shanter cap £0.90
FalkdrivT: driver in 44 helmets £0.90
FalkparkH; 8 figs in hooded parka helmet with SLR £7.20
FalkparkBer; 7 figs as above in berets £6.30
FalkparkT; as above in 44 pattern helmet £7.20
Falkparkcc; as above in cap comforter £7.20
Falkmil44; Milan ATGM prone firer in 44 helmet £0.90
Falkdrivscot; drivers in tam o shanter and glengarry £1.80 ( same as urbdrivscot )
FalkM79H; 2 figs with m79 blooper in helmet £1.80
FalkM79A; as above beret nya
SASFalkrad; 2 radio figs - wool knit cap £1.80
SASFalkMort; 3 man mortar crew nya
SASFalksni; 3 figs with L42 rifle mix of headgear nya
SASFalkFN; 8 figs with SLR rifle £7.20
SASfalkspot; spotter with binocs bareheaded £0.90
SASfalkspotHD; as above in parka with hood up £0.90
Argentina 1982.
ArgSqucc; 10 figures in parka with FN Rifle in canvas covered helmet £9.00
ArgSqugogg; As above canvas covered helmet with goggles £9.00
Argsqucap; as above in soft winter caps £9.00
Argsquwool;10 figs wool knit hats £9.00
Argcomber; 3 NCO figs waving/pointing in berets £2.70
Arggpmgbicc; 2 figure team firing gpmg on bipod prone/helmets £1.80
Arggpmgbigogg; as above goggles on helmets £1.80
Arggpmgbiwool; as above wool knit cap £1.80
Arggpmgtri; 2 fig sustained fire gpmg crew prone ( gpmg not included ) £1.80
Argblowcc; firing blowpipe SAM in helmet £0.90
Argblowgogg; as above goggles on helmet £0.90
Argblowwool: as above wool knit cap £0.90
Argblowcap; as above cap £0.90
ArgSup; 3 with HB FAL , nya
ArgBAZ; 2 figs ; kneeling firing (and loader) with 3.5 Bazooka in helmets £2.00
ArgGuncc; 4 fig man gun/mortar crew £3.60
ArgMar: 8 Marines with FN Rifle nya
ArgMarLMG; 3 Marines with HB FAL nya
ArgradCC; 2 figs backpack radios in helmet £1.80
Arg.50cc: kneeling/sitting .50 cal crew £1.80
Arg.50gogg: as above goggles on helmet £1.80
Argsnicc; 2 snipers with Mauser K98 rifle nya
ArgSMGcc; 3 NCO type figures with M3 grease gun in helmet nya
Urbanterror - Civilians
UrbShot: 3 figs bareheaded with pump action shotgun £2.70
Urbshotbc; as above in baseball caps £2.70
Urbshoteer; 3 eastern european rebels with shotguns £2.70
UrbshoteerV; as above differnent headgear £2.70
Urbtvcam ; vip, tv cameraman , photojournalist , sound boom man . £4.00
Urbcam/vip; photographer and VIP in PASGT helmets £1.80
Urbcam/vipBC; as above in baseball cap £1.80
UrbSVDfir; 2 firing figs , 1 at ready kneeling ,SVD snipers rifle- bareheads £2.70
UrbSVDmov; 3 standing/moving figs with SVD £2.70
UrbSVDeer: 6 figs with SVD rifles eastern euro heads £5.40
UrbRPG; 5 figs with RPG 7 - bareheads £4.50
UrbRPGeer; 6 figs as above eastern european heads £5.40
UrbAk74; 8 figs with AK74- bareheads £7.20
UrbAK74eer; as above in mix of hats £7.20
Urbscorp; 3 bareheaded figs with Scorpion smg bareheads £2.70
Urbscorpeer; as above in hats nya
UrbRPKnew ; 4 figs with RPK LMG bareheads £3.60
UrbRPKeer; as above in hats nya
UrbEERciv; 5 civilians in fur hats/wool hats £4.50
UrbUGL74; 3 bareheaded figs with AK74/UGL £2.70
UrbUGL74eer; 3 figs as above , plus 1 with AK74 in hats £3.60
UrbG3; 9 bareheaded figures with G3 rifle £8.10
UrbM16/203 ; 4 figures with M16/203 UGL and 1 nco with M1 carbine £4.50 ****
Urbak74SIL; 5 figs bareheads with silenced AK74 £4.50
Urbak74SILeer; as above mix of hats £4.50
Urbultmax; 3 figs with Ultimax 100 LMG nya
UrbRPD; 3 figs with RPD lmg bareheads nya
UrbRPDeer; as above eer version mix of hats nya
Urbrad:2 bareheaded figs with Ak47 , Russian backpack radios nya
UrbMP5; 4 figs with MP5 nya
SAS Afghanistan 2003 plus ;
IRAQ 2003+ £7.20
SAS03lmg; 5 figs with minimi's £4.50
SAS03sup2; 2 snipers with mk12 sniper rifle , 3 figs with m4 carbine £4.50
SAS03sup3; 2 snipers with Barrett rifle , 3 figs with M4 carbine £4.50
SAS03gpmg; 3 figs with gpmg nya
BLHERgl; 3 SBS figures 2003 Afghanistan with C7/UGL £2.70
BLHERlmg; 3 figs with parasaw NYA
British 2003; all in helmet unless stated.
Uk03sni ; 3 snipers with L96 accuracy rifle £2.70
Uk03rad; 3 figs with backpack radios £2.70
Uk03spot; prone spotter fig with binocs £0.90
UkOSPsqu; 16 figures with SA80 /helmet/Osprey body armour £14.40
UkOSPsquV: 10 figures as above with SA80a2/pistol grip NYA
UKOSPlmg; 4 figs firing Minimi L108a1 LMG / 1 loader moving £4.50
UkOSPgpmgfir; 3 figs firing gpmg £2.70
UkOSPgpmgmov; 3 moving gpmg figures & 1 with ammo box/SA80 £3.60
UkOSPcomX; command pack variant ,2 in bush hats ,2 in baseball caps , 2 in helmet £5.40
UKOSPrad; 3 figs with backpack radios £2.70
UKOSPL115; 5 figs with L115 rifle nya
UKOSPUGL; 7 figs with SA80/UGL , 1 walking with gpmg £7.20
UKOSPLMGMOV; 4 figs with Minimi L108a1 moving nya
UKOSPbush; 10 figs , 1 radio , 2 parasaw , 2 gpmg , 3 SA80/UGL, 2 command £9.00
VcAKbh; 12 figs Ak47 in bush hat £10.80
VcAKp; 12 figs with ak47 in peasents hat £10.80
VcAKsol; as above in NVA solar helmet £10.80
VCAKcap; as above in Pathet Lao cap £10.80
Vccomp; 3 command figs with Ak47 in peasents hat £2.70
VccomBare; 4 command figs bareheaded £3.60
Vccomcap; as above in Pathet Lao cap £3.60
Vcrpkv; 3 figs with rpk - mix of headgear £2.70
Vcgren; 4 figs throwing grenades - mix of headgear £3.60
Vcrpg; 3 figs with rpg 7 - mix of headgear £2.70
VcrpgP; as above in peasents hats £2.70
Vcgun; 7 man gun / mortar crew mix of bush hats & cork helmets £6.30
NVAgun; 8 man gun / mortar helmet in solar helmet £7.20
VCflame; 2 vietcong with flamethrowers £1.80
VCspot; vietcong spotter team ; 2 figures £1.80
HEMVC: pile of AK's , hats and chi com rig £0.90
VCCASTY; 7 vietcong dead/wounded figures £6.30
VCspider; 2 figs firing AK47's in spider holes nya
USA 1980's/90's ;
USA1C; 9 figs ( backpacks ) in knit cap with M16a2 nya
USA10A; bush hats with m16a2 nya
USA10B; ranger caps with M16a2 nya
USA10C ; knit caps with M16a2 nya
USA3D ; 3 figs with M16/203 in M1 helmet nya
USA3B; as above ranger caps nya
USA19; prone sniper in bandanna with Barrett .50 rifle £0.90
USAhmgD; .50 cal HMG crew in M1 helmet nya
USA30A; 2 radio ops in bush hat with M16a2 £1.80
USA30PHO; as above bareheads with earphones £1.80
USA80driv; Driver in Fritz helmet £0.90
US82m16A; 9 figs with M16a1 bush hats nya
US82m16b; as above ranger caps nya
1960's-1970's ARVN ( all in plain M1 helmet unless stated )
ARVNsqu; 12 figures with M16a1 in helmet £10.80
ARVNsquBush; as above - in bush hats £10.80
ARVNsqucc; as above canvas covered m1 helmet £10.80
ARVNcom; 5 command figs waving/pointing in helmet with M16a1 £5.40
ARVNcomcc; 4 figs as above in canvas covered helmets £3.60
ARVNcomBush; 4 figs as above in bush hats £3.60
ARVNcomBer: as above in beret £3.60
ARVNM60 ; 3 figures with M60 LMG £2.70
ARVNM60Bush; 3 figs in bush hats with M60 LMG and 1 loader £3.60
ARVNM60cc; as above canvas covered helmet £3.60
ARVNbar; 4 figs with BAR in helmet £3.60
ARVNbarbush; as above in bush hats £3.60
ARVNbarCC; as above canvas covered helmet £3.60
ARVN.30; 3 figs with .30 cal LMG M1916a6 ( shoulder stock ) nya
ARVNM1; 4 figs with M1 carbine in helmet £3.60
ARVNM1bush; as above in bush hats £3.60
ARVNM1CC; as above canvas covered helmet £3.60
ARVNM79; 3 figs with M79 GL £2.70
ARVNM79bush; as above bush hats £2.70
ARVNM79CC;as above canvas covered helmet £2.70
ARVNthom; 2 figs with Thompson smg , plain M1 helmet £1.80
ARVNthombh; as above bush hat £1.80
ARVNthomcc; as above canvas covered helmet £1.80
ARVNrad; 2 figs with backpack radios in plain M1 helmet holding M16a1 £1.80
ARVNradbush: as above in bush hat £1.80
ARVNradcc; as above in canvas covered helmet £1.80
ARVNradgar; as above with M1 Garand £1.80
ARVNdrivHelm;2 drivers in helmets nya
ARVNdrivhat; 2 drivers ; 1 in beret,1 in bush hat £1.80
ARVNSF-V; 7 figs with CAR15 AS ABOVE BUSH HATS £6.30
Afghans:Muj14pb; 11 figs with Ak's piecrust/big beards £11.70
Muj14Anew: 14 figs in turban mix of AK47 and AK74 £12.60
Muj14new; as above in Piecrust hats £12.60
Mujsupk; kolah headgear ; radio,officer, 2 snipers , ak47/bg 15 firer £4.50
Mujsuptrib; 6 figs as above and grenade thrower in tribal heaggear £5.40
MujhmgPB:12.7mm hmg with 2 crew piecrust hat/big beards £2.00
Mujpkmpcb; prone fig firing pkm piecrust hat/big beard £1.00
Mujsniprone; 2 prone snipers with SVD's £1.80
Mujmil: 2 man prone Milan team in piecrust hats (milan included) £2.30
AQpkm; prone guner firing PKM GPMG £1.00
MujsvdP; 3 snipers with dragunov svd in piecrust nya ( replaces MUJ9)
MujsvdT; as above in urban nya
MujM4T; 4 figs with captured US M4 carbines nya
**The old following codes have been deleted ; Muj10,15,16,19 **
1970/80's South Africans;
Sadfspot ; spotter fig with binocs £0.90
Sadfcom; 5 figure command pack £4.50
Sadfrad; 2 figures with radios SLR's £1.80
Sadrradpho; as above bareheads/earphones £1.80
SadfsqZ; 10 Zulu infantry 101 battalion with SLR £9.00
SadfbrenZ; 2 Zulu 101 bttn with Bren LMG's £1.80
Sadfradz;1 Zulu infantry fig kneeling with radio £0.90 *
Sadf50z; 50 mm mortar firer £0.90
Sadf79; 2 figs bush hat with M79 GL £1.80
Sadf79z; as above Zulu bttn £1.80
Sadf4NEW; GPMG set , 4 figs with gpmg , 1 with ammo boxes £4.50
SadfgpmgZ; Zulu 101 bttn with GPMG nya
RhodAK: 8 Rhodesians in shorts with AK47's, 2 with RPD lmg ( mixed headgear ) nya
RLIsqu; 10 figs in caps with SLR's nya
Iraqi Insurgents
STSrad; 2 figs with radios £1.80
INSpkm; 3 figs with PKM gpmg £2.70
STScom ; 3 command figs £2.70
INSsupara; 3 Insurgents in Thobe wirh RPG7, 3 with RPK arab headress £5.40
INS26/44BB; as above barehead big beard £0.90
STSmb; Insurgent riding motorbike £2.90
STSmbpass; 2 insurgents on motorbike £3.80
STSugl; 3 figs with AK47/BG15 UGL £2.70
STSdriv; driver moslem big beard skull cap £0.90
Neg1P: 12 figs in Portugese caps with AK47's £10.80
Neg1R; as above in Rhodesian caps £10.80
Neg17c; 5 figure African command pack unita caps £4.50
Neg17p; as above Portuguese caps nya
Negdict ; 2 African Dictator figs £2.00
Negmed; Regulars ;doctor with man carrying wounded fig £2.70
NegSVD: 3 rebel figures with SVD rifle , 1 spotter £3.60
Negdict5 ; 5 Dicators/leaders inc Fat Dictator with Jo the pet chimp £5.00
Neghmg; 2 man 12.7mm crew and gun on tripod bareheaded £2.00
NeghmgC; as above unita style caps nya
NeghmgA; as above with 3 crew in bush hats £3.00
Negspot; 2 spotter figures bareheaded £1.80
NegspotA; as above in bush hats £1.80
NegspotC; as above caps nya
Negpasssup; 4 passenger figs bareheads;slr/gpmg/rpk/rpg 7 £3.60
NegrebRPG; 8 figs with RPG7 ( replaces neg32) £7.20
NegrebRPGhat; as above mix of hats £7.20
NegSLR; 10 rebels with SLR ( FN ) rifle nya
Neg14.5A; zpu 1 firer in bush hat £0.90
Neg14.5c; as above in unita cap £0.90
Negzpu4; sov 8 gunner bareheaded £0.90
NegSA7C; Sam 7 firer in unita cap £0.90
Neg.50; 2 figure .50 cal crew bareheaded £1.80 ( weapon not included )
NegSOV; rebels , 3 with PPSH smg , 3 with DP lmg nya
RusbarSQU; 10 1980's Russians in 6B2 body armour in helmet with AK74 £9.00
RusbarRAD; 2 figures as above in helmet with radios £1.80
RusbarRADpho; as above barehead/earphones with AKSU £1.80
RusbarRPK; 4 figs with RPK in helmet £3.60
Rusbarrpg; 3 figs with RPG7 in helmet £2.70
RusbarPKM; 2 figs with PKM gpmg in helmet £1.80
Rusbarsni; 3 figs with dragunov svd rifle NYA
Classic RMR in 2 piece uniform
RMRRPK;4 motor rifle infantry in helmet with RPK £3.60
RMRRPG; 3 figs with RPG7 in helmet (no backpack )£2.70
RMRRPGv; as above with reload backpack nya
RMRrad; 2 figs with radios in helmet £1.80
RMRradpho; as above bareheaded with earphones £1.80
RMRPKM; 2 figs with PKM GPMG in helmet £1.80
RMRSA7; fig firing SA7 SAM £0.90
RMRsni; 3 figs with dragunov svd rifles NYA
Russians in one piece uniform ;
Ruscomoff; 5 command figs in officers peaked cap ( alsos use for nkvd/border guard ) £4.50
RuscomF; 5 command figures in fur hat £4.50
RuscomPi; as above in Pilotka side cap £4.50
Rusradv;2 figures with radios - canvas covered helmets £1.80
Rusradpho; as above barehead/earphones £1.80
Rus10cc: Firing SA7 in canvas covered helmet £0.90
RusAK47cc; 8 Russian Infantry - 1 piece camou suit with AK47 -canvas cover helmet £7.20
RusAK; 10 figs plain M40 helmet ( replaces Rus 1 ) nya
RusAK74cc; 9 figs in M40 canvas covered helmet with AK74 £8.10
*RusAK74O/H ; 12 figs with AK74 in H style and O style helmets £10.80
RusENGH; 2 figs with mine detectors in helmets £5.00
RusENGpho; as above bareheads with earphones £5.00
Russpotv; 2 spotters in canvas covered helmet ( AK47 ) £1.80
RusspotAK74; as above with AK74 £1.80
RusRPGKNV; 2 RPG7 figs kneeling ( 1 firing/1 at the ready ) canvas covered helmet £1.80
RusRPGKNA; as above in marine beret £1.80
RusRPGKNBH; as above bush hat £1.80
RusRPG3H; 3 figs with RPG 7 , 1 kneeling , 2 standing £2.70
RusHMGV; 12.7mm on tripod 2 crew in canvas covered helmets nya
RusRPKV; 3 figs with RPK in canvas covered helmet £2.70
RusPKMV; 3 figs with PKM in canvas covered helmet ( inc 1 loader ) £2.70
RusGUNV; 4 gunner/mortar crew in canvas covered helmet £3.60
RusBG15V; 3 figs with Ak47/BG15 ugl combination £2.70
RusSNiB; 3 snipers with dragunov in afganka forage cap £2.70
*RussniOHE; 3 snipers with dragunov mix of headgear £2.70
*RusAK74silOH; 2 snipers with silenced Ak74 O&H helmets £1.80
*RusLMGGPMGOH: 4 with RPK , 2 with PKM , 1 with ammo boxes mix of O and H helmets nya
*Post 2000 era
Spetz1; 12 figs mix of AKSU, AK74,silenced AK74 all bareheaded £10.80
Spetz1hat; 10 70's/80's figs as above mix of hats( afganka,balaclava,knit cap,bush hat ) £9.00
SpetzAK74H; 3 2000+era figs in H helmet with Ak74 £2.70
RUSSIANS 1990's plus
Rus20AK74S; 10 figs with ak74 in sphera helmet £9.00
Rus20AK74O; as above in O style helmet £9.00
Rus20at4; modern russian 2 figure AT4 crew £2.00
Rus20comh; 4 figure command pack s/forces helmet £3.60
Rus20com; as above in M40 army helmet £5.40
Rus20coms; as above in sphera helmet £5.40
Rus20comO: command pack in O style helmet £5.40
Rus20comE; as above in wool knit cap £5.40
Rus20radpho; 2 radio men bareheaded earphones £1.80
Rus20BGH: 3 figures with Ak74/UGL special forces helmet £2.70
Rus20BG; as above M40 helmet £2.70
Rus20BGE; as above in wool knit cap £2.70
Rus20BGO; as above in O style helmet £2.70
Rus20BGS; as above in Sphera helmet with one Ak74 figure £3.60
Rus23S; 2 figs with RPG7 in sphera helmet £1.80
Rus23H; as above in s/forces helmet £1.80*
Rus25S; 3 figs with rpk in sphera helmet £2.70
Rus26S; 3 sniper figs with svd in sphera helmet nya
Rus26e; as above in wool knit cap £2.70
EERgren; 2 Eastern European rebel grenade thowers£1.80
EERSA7; Figure firing SA7 £0.90
EERmed; medic and man carrying wounded figure £2.70
EERPASS; 5 crew figs , 3 with AK47 , 1 with RPK , 1 with RPG 7 £4.50
EERKESTAK ; 12 figs with ak47 mix of Soviet Afganka cap and tanker helmets £10.80
EERSKS; 6 figs with SKS rifle , mix of headgear £5.40
EERplam; 2 figure Plamya GL crew nya
EERRPG6; 6 figs with RPG7 , 2 firing , 4 moving at the ready £5.40
EERg8AK; 8 figs with AK47's in greatcoats mix of headgear £7.20
EERAKSU; 6 figs with AKSU - mixed headgear nya
COSSACKS ; For wars in Eastern Europe and the Balkans
Cosssqu; 12 Figs in Cossack hats with Ak47's £10.80
CosssqubigV; 14 figs as above wearing big cossack hats and big ushankas £12.60
Coss2644; wea 2644 firer £0.90
CossRPG; 7 figs with RPG 7's nya
Cosscom; 6 command figs nya
Cosssup; 9 LMG and sniper figs nya
Coss145small; 14.5mm AA gunner in small cossack hat £0.90
Coss145big ; 14.5 mm AA gunner in big cossack hat £0.90
IraqBG; 3 figs with AK47/BG15 £2.70
Iraqpass; 3 passenger figs with AK47's £2.70
PLOCOM7; 7 figure command pack £6.30( replaces PLOCOM )
PLOgren ; grenade thrower nya
PLOprosni; 2 prone plo snipers with SVD rifle - can be use for insurgents ( sts ) £1.80
PLOGUN; 5 figure gun mortar set nya
IRAN 1980's ;
Iransqu; 10 figs with G3 rifle in M1 helmet £9.00
IransquRG; as above revo guard/militia barehead/headband £9.00
IransquBH; as above bareheaded £9.00
Iransqu44; as above in British 44 pattern helmet £9.00
IranLMG; 3 figs with MG3 LMG in M1 helmet £2.70
IranLMGP; as above in parka nya
IranLMG44; as above in 44 pattern helmet £2.70
IranM47; M47 dragon firer £0.90
IranM47P; as above in parka £0.90
Irandriv; driver £0.90
Iran.50; 2 man .50 cal crew helmets £1.80 ( MG not included )
1965 US Marines
USMARM60 ; 2 man prone m60 pack £1.80
USMARSPOT ; 2 fig spotter team £1.80
Uk Urban Meltdown;
UrbUKsqu ; 11 figures , 10 with SLR and 1 with Bren £9.90
UrbUKsquT; as above in 44 pattern British helmet £9.90
UrbUKsquB; 12 fig as above in beret £10.80
UrbUKsquScots; as above in mix of Glengarry and Tam o Shanter caps £10.80
UrbUKsquWork; as above in workmens cap £10.80
UrbUKsquMin; as above in miners helmet £9.00
UrbUKsquskin; 14 figs , baldheads/ skinheads 1 gpmg ,2 smg stirling ,2 .303 rifles ,2 bren ,7 SLR . £12.60
UrbUKsup ; 5 support figs , 3 SMG and 2 GPMG £4.50
UrbUKbren; 2 figures with Bren , 1 NCO with FN , 1 sniper £3.60
UrbUKsupT; 3 SMG , 2 GPMG in 44 helmet £4.50
UrbUKsupB; as above in beret £4.50
UrbUKsupscot; 3 Brens , 3 Stirling , 2 GPMG £7.20
UrbUKsupwork; 9 figs as above in workmens cap ( plus 50mm mortar firer ) £8.10
UrbUKsupMin; as above in miners helmet £8.10
UrbUKgcoatFN; 6 figures bareheads / greatcoats FN rifle nya
UrbUKsni; 2 figures with L42 ( MK5 )sniper rifle bareheaded £1.80
UrbUKsnimin; as above miners helmet £1.80
UrbUKmincom ; Miners , 2 command figures £1.80
UrbUKbrenB; 3 figs in beret with Bren gun £2.70
UrbUKCG; 2 figures with Carl Gustav MAW £1.80
UrbUKCG44; as above in 44 helmet £1.80
UrbUKpass; 3 bareheaded seated figs SLR/lee enfield Mk4 rifle / GPMG £2.70
UrbUKrad ; 2 figs with radios bareheaded £1.80
UrbUKradpho; as above bareheaded/earphones £1.80
UrbUKradwork; as above workmens cap £1.80
UrbUKradBer; as above in berets £1.80
UrbUKrad44; as above in 44 pattern helmet £1.80
UrbUKradmin; as above in miners helmet £1.80
UrbUKRIF; 6 figs with Lee Enfield Mk 4 bareheaded £5.40
UrbUKcom; 3 command figures bareheaded £2.70
UrbUKcomPOL; 4 command type figs in Police helmets £3.60
UrbUKcomPOLcap; 5 figs command inc 2 with radios in Police cap £4.50
UrbUKcom40; 4 figs in british mk2 ww2 helmet ( net cover ) nya
UrbUKmodSLR ; 5 mods bareheaded wearing fishtail parkas with SLR £4.50
UrbUKmodSLRhelm; as above in scooter helmets nya
UrbUKmodrif: as above with Lee Enfield Mk4 nya
UrbUK50; bareheaded fig with 50mm mortar £0.90
UrbUK50a: as above bald/skinhead £0.90
UrbUK50w: as above wool knit cap £0.90
UrbUKmmg; 3 man sustained fire gpmg crew bareheaded nya
UrbUKpist; 3 figs with pistols £2.70
UrbUKpistber; 3 figs with pistols berets £2.70
UrbUKdrivscot; 2 driver figs : 1 glengarry , 1 tam o shanter £1.80
UrbUKminCG; kneeling firing 84mm Carl Gustav MAW in miners helmet £0.90
UrbUKberetsni; 2 sniper figs with L42 £1.80
UrbUKberetCG; 2 figs with carl gustav maw £1.80
UrbUKciv: 5 unarmed civilians bareheaded (can also use as gun mortar crew ) £4.50
UrbUKcivbb; as above bearded and bald figures £4.50
UrbUKcivwork: as above in workmen caps £4.50
French Indo China :
FICthom ; 2 FFL figures with Thompson SMG £1.80
FICthombush; as above in bush hat £1.80
FICthomber £1.80
FICthomkep; as above in legion Kepi £1.80
FIC10M1; 3 army regulars with M1 carbine in helmet £2.70
FIC10M1bush ; as above in bush hat £1.80
FIC10M1turb; as above , Moroccan in turban £1.80
FIC10M1big; as abobe bigeard forage cap £2.70
FIC10LMG; 3 figs with LMG24/29 in helmet nya
FIC10Mat; 3 figs with Mat49 smg in helmets nya
FICdriv; FFL driver helmet £0.90
FICdrivber; as above beret £0.90
FICdrivK; as above FFL Kepi £0.90
FICdrivBH; as above bush hat £0.90
COLsquhelm;10 colonial French with rifle ,48 pattern uniform , helmet £9.00
COLsqubush; as above in bush hat £9.00
COLsup1: 4 figs with M1 carbine,2 figs with Thompson SMG £5.40
COLLMG ;3 figs with Lmg 24/29 in helmet nya
VMrif; 10 figures with rifles (mix of 9 Moisin Nagant and 3 Lee Enfields )
all in cork helmet £9.00
VMrifbush; 12 figs as above - bush hats £10.80
VMgren; 4 Vietminh figs throwing grenades £3.60
VMsatch; 4 figures carrying satchel charges £3.60
VMspot; spotter team , fig with radio , fig with binocs and thompson smg £1.80
VMspotppsh: as above with ppsh 41 £1.80
VMsmg; 14 figs with PPsh 41 ( banana clip ) in cork helmets £12.60
VMsmgbush: 12 figs as above in bush hat £10.80
VMZB; 2 figs with ZB 26 lmg in cork helmet £1.80
VMZBbush ; as above bush hats £1.80
VMZBbare; as above bareheaded nya
VMbarhelm: 3 figs with BAR in cork helmet nya
VMwea26/44; gunner and spotter in cork helmets for wea26 or wea 44 £1.80
MultpasgtAK: 12 figs in pasgt helmet with AK47 £10.80
Multpasgtsup; 3 with RPK lmg/2 snipers/ 1 ammo box man nya
MultpasgtRPG; 6 figs with RPG 7 £5.40
Multpasgt14.5 ; wea 10 crewman in pasgt helmet £0.90
Multpasgtdriv; driver fig in pasgt helmet £0.90
Multpasgtcom;5 figures in PASGT helmet £5.40
Multpasgt2644; wea26/44 gunner £0.90
Multpasgtsa7; sa7 firer in pasgt helmet £0.90
MultpasgtGL; 3 figs with AK47/BG15 £2.70
Multpasgtmed; medic and man carrying wounded fig £2.70
Multpasgtsup;3 RPD, 3 RPK , 2 SVD , 1 ammo box carrier nya
MultBCmed; medic and fig carrying wounded man , baseball cap £2.70
MultBCcom; 7 command figs baseball cap nya
MultBCsup;3 RPD, 3 RPK , 2 SVD , 1 ammo box carrier nya
MultBCdriv; driver in baseball cap £0.90
MultBCAK; 12 figs in baseball caps with AK47 £6.00MultBCsa7; sa7 firer in baseball cap £0.90
MultBCjeep; 3 jeep crew ith AK47's £2.70
MultBC50; fig firing 50mm mnortar in baseball cap £0.90
MultBCugl; 3 figures with ak47/ugl in baseball cap £2.70
MultBC2644; gunner for wea 26 or 44 in baseball cap £0.90
MultbushAK: 12 figures with AK47's in bush hat £10.80
Multbushcom; 7 command figs in bush hat £6.30
Multbushgren; grenade thrower bush hat £0.90
MultbushRPG; 6 figs with RPG 7 in bush hat £5.40
Multbush14.5mm; wea 10/10a firer in bush hat £0.90
MultbushSA7; SA7 firer in bush hat £0.90
Multbush50; 50mm mortar firer in bush hat £0.90
Multbushmed; medic and man carrying wounded fig £2.70 ****
Multbhgren; bareheaded figure throwing grenade £0.90
MultbhRPG2; 3 fig with RPG 2 bareheaded £2.70
MultHMGBH; 2 fig HMG team 12.7 dhsk on tripod (bareheads )£2.00
MultBHmolo; fig throwing molotov cocktail barehead £0.90
MultBHSKS; 6 bareheaded figs with SKS rifle £5.40
MultBH.50; sitting/kneeling .50 cal crew bareheaded £1.80 ( no weapon inc )
MultBHRPD; 3 figs with RPD lmg bareheads plus one loader £3.60
MultBABEsqu; 12 figs with AK47's - bald heads, bareheaded with beards £10.80
MultBHg8coatAK:8 figs in greatcoat with ak47 £7.20
MultBHAK74KEST ; 9 figs bareheaded AK74 (belts - minimum pouches etc ) £8.10
Multgrenb; fig in beret throwing grenade £0.90
MultBUGL; 3 figs in beret with AK47/BG15 UGL £2.70
MultBMG3; 3 figs in beret with MG3 £2.70
MultB50: figure firing 50mm mortar in beret £0.90
MultmedB; medic and fig carrying wounded man in berets £2.70
Mult50gren; fig throwing grenade in forage cap £0.90
Mult50com; 7 command figures forage caps £6.30
Mult50UGL; 3 figs in forage cap with AK47/BG15 combination £2.70
Mult50driv: 2 figs driver figs in forage cap £1.80
Mult50sup; 3 RPD, 3 RPK , 2 SVD , 1 ammo box carrier £8.10
Mult50PKMst; standing firing PKM on pole mount £2.00
Mult50gun; 5 fig gun/mortar crew nya
Mult50.50; 2 man .50 cal HMG crew nya
Multpccom;Multipurpose command pack in officers peaked cap - 6 figs £5.40
Multpcdict; 2 dictator/general type figures £2.00
Multpcdriv; driver figure in peaked cap £0.90
Mult20HMG; 12.7mm dhsk firer on tripod and loader .M40 helmet £2.00
Mult20rpg2; 3 figs with RPG2 in m40 helmet £2.70
Mult20zpu4; zpu4 ( sov8) gunner in m40 helmet £0.90
Mult20gren; Genade thrower in M40 helmet £0.90
NEW multipurpose range in canvas covered M1 helmet ; Croatians 1990, South Americans , Lebanese army 1982.
MultcacovAK; 12 figs with AK47 £10.80
Multcacovcom ; 6 command figs £5.40
Multcacovpass; 3 jeep crew with AK47's £2.70
MultcacovRPG; 6 fig with RPG 7 nya
MultAK74BH; 8 figs with AK74 bareheads nya
Multak74BER; as above beret nya
MultAK7420; as above M40 helmet nya
MultPigren; fig throwing grenade in pilotka cap £0.90
MultPi50; 50mm mortar firer in pilotka cap £0.90
MultPidriv; driver fig pilotka cap
Stowalice; strip of 4 USA Alice packs £1.00
STOWrpgbag; 4 RPG7 backpacks £1.00
STOWFamas; Famas rifles on AFV stowage nya
WEA41;.50 cal on pole mount ( remoulded ) £1.00
WEA46;.30 cal on pole mount £1.00
WEA47; GPMG on pole mount £1.00
WEA48; PKM on pintle mount ( for BTR152 , BTR 40 etc ) £0.50
WEA49; PKM on tripod nya
Dog1; Cocker/Springer Spaniel £0.50
ARAdict; 2 Middle East dictator figures £2.00
Aradriv; driver fig in arab headdress £0.90
Aragren; throwing grenade arab headgear £0.90
Egygren; Egpytian throwing grenade £0.90
EgyRPG2; Egyptians 3 figs with RPG2 in helmet £2.70
Mosgren; Muslim grenade thrower barehead/beard £0.90
Moscom ; 7 command figures barehead / big beard £6.30
Mos2644; wea26/44 gunner £0.90
DRApass; 3 afghan army 1980's / ANP seated figs with AK47 in cap £2.70
Balgren; as above in balaclava £0.90
BandSA7; Figure firing SA7 in bandanna £0.90
Gdrsag; East German sagger firer £0.90
Gdrdriv; East German driver figure £0.90
Gdrpkmp: East German prone PKM gunner £0.60
serbdrivc: Serbian militia cetnik driver £0.90
Hdbmg3; 3 figures with MG 3 lmg - use as Iranian/Lebanese militia £2.70
OZSAS03LMG; 3 with minimi , 1 nco with AK47 £3.60
HemGal; weapons pile of 4 Galils on base £0.50
HemFamas; as above French Famas nya
StowAK74: 4 stowage pieces with AK74 and 1 stowage piece with RPG7's £1.99
WEA2/BMP; sagger on rail for BMP1 turret £0.50
Anub1; 5 Anubisians with G1 Alien screw gun £2.50 ( the Anubisians are allies to the Greyz )
Sebhyb1: 5 Sebek hybrids with G1 Alien screw gun £4.50
Catz1: Bastetz , 5 Cat headed aliens with G1 Alien screw gun £4.50
Greyzhelm ; 5 aliens in helmet nya
Pol1; 5 Police / Civil Guard in peaked cap with XM4 rifles £4.50
Pol1Gas; as above in gasmask £4.50
Rebz1; 5 rebels/insurgents/pirates ; 4 with AK774 , 1 with Alien G1 screw rifle £4.50
Rebzgmp; 10 figs as above in GMP gasmask £9.00
Rebzins; as above arab style headcovers nya
RebzPIR; as above Space Pirates - mixed headgear nya
Ibttank; Imperial Battle troops tank commander £0.90
IRBscout; 9 Recce assault troopers with XM4 rifles £8.10
Neosovzhelm ; 10 Neo Sovz in helmets with Ak774 £9.00